Land Clearing Services in CT
As the arboriculture industry slowly separated from the world of forestry in the 19th century, and arborists began to focus much of their attention on individual tree care needs, in part, we traveled our own paths. Schools for forestry also offered secondary programs for arborists. This proved to be a great decision by the small colleges and Land Grant universities as more homes were built that had a combination of large shade trees and also parcels of forested areas needing management.
Arborists have evolved to possess unique insights and skill sets for managing forested areas. For one, our in-depth knowledge of abiotic and biotic disorders combined with an infusion of technology provides us a leg up to have a light touch on the land.
The question has always been, “How can one alter the landscape by tree removal yet have a limited impact on the surrounding non-target areas”? How do we, as arborists, tackle huge projects to remediate issues with invasive plants and trees and clear diseased trees? What are the best tools used to expand and reclaim old fields, clear stone walls and maintain trails?
It starts with the best proper assessment first. Our arborists will evaluate the forested land and prepare a set of management goals derived from the property owner based on long-term ideal outcomes and relative financial considerations. Next, we will identify the best access points, prepare a landing site for wood and brush processing equipment, and finally initiate the project.
Land clearing, whether for land management purposes or new building construction, takes BIG equipment to do the work right. With our large Bobcat track loader with forestry grapple, we can fell the trees and remove them from the site with ease and a light touch.

When the job requires a bigger, tougher tool, we turn to our Dooson 140 Excavator This large tracked machine has a number of attachments specifically designed for forestry applications. And for invasive trees and shrubs and novel approach is to grind them down with our forestry mower creating a layer of chips on the forest floor that add biomass and organic material-enriching the existing soil profile.
It is often the case that a section of property containing large diseased trees or trees killed by insects has to be remediated due to its proximity to driveways, trails, or people. This has become all more evident due to the onslaught of trees killed by invasive insects such as the emerald ash borer.
If left standing after being killed, the borer produces damage that exacerbates the tree’s structural failures, and often the tree(s) breaks or collapses. It is important to remove these trees to avoid any possible circumstances where damage can occur. This can be done on-site with any number of possible pieces of equipment Southbury Tree Service utilizes.
Family-owned and operated for over 40 years, Southbury Tree Service has the right tools and breadth, and depth of knowledge to provide the best solution for your trees. Call us today at (203) 264-9937 to set up a consultation with a certified arborist!
For more information about air spading service in CT, call Southbury Tree Service at (203) 264-9937.